
Video Premiere: Fashion Tips’ ‘Don’t Call Me’

The North East outfit announce details of their debut album.

Following their 2023 debut EP, Fucking Hell, North East collective, Fashion Tips, have announced details of their debut album.

I Wish You Every Success is set for release on July 12 via Human Worth, and today the band shares the lead track, Don’t Call Me. Exclusive to Sun 13, be the first to watch the video below.

Fashion Tips were formed by bassist Liam Slack and guitarist Jorden Sayer, who recruited vocalist, Esme Louise Newman – one half of the acclaimed black metal duo, Penance Stare, and also of the equally wonderful All Heavens Were A Bell alongside James Watts (their 2023 album, A Wheel of Burning Eyes made our Top 50 Albums of the year). The line-up is rounded out by drummer, Fiona Ireland, who replaced original drummer Ruben 2023.

Don’t Call Me continues the no-wave inspired mind-bending punk assaults that made Fucking Hell the gnarly trip that it was. Talking about the track ahead of its official release, Esme offers comment:

“The video was shot at Zerox, one of our favourite clubs in Newcastle, which is not the exact venue the lyrics were written about, but certainly an appropriate location. It was shot at one of our shows by our ‘fifth Tip’ Anthony Chapman and edited by our guitarist Jorden. I wrote the song about the upsetting and demoralising nature of drunken British nightlife, having stupid crushes on straight girls and staying out way past your bedtime, so hopefully the video captures at least some of that dizzy air.”

Fashion Tips - I Wish You Every Success (artwork by James Watts)

I Wish You Every Success track list:

  1. Radio Song
  2. The Lovers
  3. Don’t Call Me
  4. Steve Lamacq
  5. Hot Problems
  6. Lunched Out
  7. Quelle Surprise
  8. Thousand Bird Pattern

Pre-orders for I Wish You Every Success are available from tomorrow via the Human Worth Bandcamp page with 10 per cent of proceeds donated to the North East Autism Society – providing autism care and education for children, young people, and adults across the North East of England.

By Simon Kirk

Product from the happy generation. Proud Red and purple bin owner surviving on music and books.

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