Features Interviews

2023 with Tits Up

The Liverpool trio select their favourite releases of 2023.

While it’s been a while since we’ve heard from Liverpool punk trio, Tits Up, that’s not to say their creative endeavours have been dormant.

Anything but in fact and following last year’s release of their excellent debut EP, Greatest Tits, the band (now with the settled line-up of Amanda, Jen and Bridget) have spent 2023 playing a swathe of shows across the country, including a performance at punk’s spiritual home, Rebellion.

The band’s comedic, razor-sharp wit and take-no-prisoners attitude returns on their latest single, ChristmASS. Once again, Tits Up deliver the kind of unadulterated outlier anthem not fit for family consumption, therefore extending their wonderfully wild and provocative nature. The world needs more of the carefree nature Tits Up have to offer.

Shortly after the release of ChristmASS, the band members of Tits Up took part in our end of year feature series, answering our questions and sharing some of their favourite releases of 2023 as well as a couple of golden oldies.

Sun 13’s Top 50 Albums of 2023

Sun 13: From the outside looking in, and it seems like it’s been a great year for Tits Up. Can you give us a rundown of your 2023?

Tits Up: “Actually, somehow it’s been both eventful and eventless. We kicked off 2023 playing the new year’s ball at Quarry, one of our favourite Liverpool venues. And from there we finally expanded our horizons playing gigs outside our home base. We had a great time being introduced to some amazingly talented new friends like Arch Femmesis, Gaskunst, Duvet, Loose Articles, Red Stains, and Thee Windom Earles and oh my goodness so many more, the list goes on (and on)!

“We also got to support one of our OG BFFs Pisskitti, where we said a teary goodbye to our incredible bassist Evie, before giving ourselves a good rest for a hot sec, taking a little breather from live shows. We did some work behind the scenes and were finally able to introduce our silly little pie of a bassist Bridget to the line-up, as well as adding a few new songs to the setlist! So, we could finally hop back on the wagon, take on gigs again, and pick up kind of where we left off (yeehaw). It sure has been a ride, but an exciting one at that!”

S13: There’s been plenty of changes in the band since your debut EP, too. Judging by your socials and your tour activity this year, it looks like you are all having loads of fun. Does this current line-up feel more solidified?

TU: “Does anything feel solidified… really? (Bridget looking shifty eyed) Funny you should ask, because as soon as Bridget joined us in the band, she flew off to America and we had to get ANOTHER replacement to step in for Rebellion festival haha! But we are excited to announce she will be joining us for next year’s Rebellion festival, which we are absolutely stoked about being invited back for, it’s gonna be one of our 2024 highlights for sure! So as long as Bridget behaves …. she might be allowed to stay (the crying laughing emoji seems appropriate here).”

Sun 13’s Top 25 EPs of 2023

S13: Your new single ChristmASS is positively provocative as ever. Had you always wanted to write a Christmas song?

TU: “We’re so glad you asked! YES! I (Amanda) haven’t shut up about it for many years. (Jen nods with a stare) And finally my dream came true in the shape of ChristmASS. I actually had a few ideas for it written up on my phone a few years back, but it all got lost when I replaced my phone, and I was genuinely super upset about it. All I could remember from it was ‘Shame me, blame me, Candy cane me’ which is what the track is kind of shaped from. When I had it all written out we put literally everything else on hold to finish the track in time for Christmas.”

S13: The thing I’ve always liked about your band is the fact that you don’t take yourselves too seriously. Should more bands be having fun?

TU: “We are actually VERY serious about not taking ourselves seriously you know! It’s important bands go out and be the way they want to be whether it’s serious or not serious or… what are other things that bands are? Things like that. Yeah. In our case, we do touch on some serious subjects at times, but when we do it’s hidden and mixed in with laughter and jokes and tits, so people don’t even realise it sometimes. But in the end, it’s all about expressing yourself, entertaining and creating a space where people feel something!”

S13: What’s in-store for 2024?

TU: “2024 – BIG PLANS! To be honest, we had big plans in 2023, so HOPEFULLY those will actually come to fruition in 2024. We are almost done mixing our next two tracks for release, they got postponed unfortunately, due to SOMEONE insisting on releasing a monstrosity of a Christmas tune. (which we will be bringing out every damn year by the way). We have plans for some videos, and trying not to jinx anything but we really really REAALLLLLLY want to release our next EP in 2024. The songs are there, we just need to get our asses in the studio and get it DONE. So, for now if you want to hear our fresh new tunes, the only way is to come see our live shows! Next one up is January 13 in Bradford for mirror man Presents.”

S13: Back to the present, and the all-important question. What are your top 10 albums of 2023?

100 gecs: 10,000 gecs
Dog Show Records

Les Attitudes Spectrales: Songs for No One

Thee Windom Earles: Trashcan Sunrise

MCR-T Miss Bashful: Tootsie Pop
Live From Earth

Psychedelic Porn Crumpets: Fronzoli
What Really? Records

Kate NV: WOW
RVNG Intl.

Frankie and the Witch Fingers: Data Doom
The Reverberation Appreciation Society / Greenway Records

so yeh!: Sorry in Advance

Warmduscher: Whale City
The Leaf Label

Not a 2023 release, but we only just discovered them and they are amazing so they get a spot!

Aqua: Aquarius

Also not a 2023 release, but full of absolute bangers since 1997, so still gets a spot!

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